American Psychiatric Association
American Psychiatric Association Guideline
This practice guideline was developed by psychiatrists who are in active clinical practice. The guideline has been reviewed by members of APA as well as by representatives from related fields. Contributors and reviewers were asked to base their recommendations on an objective evaluation of the available evidence. This practice guideline was published in April 1997.
American Psychological Association
Canadian Psychiatric Association Guidelines
The Canadian guidelines were written by a working group that included psychiatrists and psychologists expert in the assessment and treatment of schizophrenia. Recently published guidelines were used as source documents. Some recommendations are based upon research evidence and substantial experience; others are based upon expert opinion and consensus.
Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)
CMHS is developing a center for providing resources and information to help people implement and operate programs and campaigns to reduce the stigma of mental illness. Call and ask for the contact person for the anti-stigma resources center.
CMHS has also developed an educational service, the Knowledge Exchange Network. It provides a large variety of free (or very inexpensive) publications and videotapes about mental illness and effective treatment.
Knowledge Exchange Network
TDD: or
Consumer Organization and Networking Technical Assistance Center (CONTAC)
CONTAC provides technical assistance to adults with psychiatric disability throughout the U.S.
Description of evidence-based practices
The Evaluation
Expert Consensus Guidelines: Treatment of Schizophrenia
Georgetown University Child Development Center
National Center for Cultural Competence
Its web links are divided into sites related to health care and cultural diversity, and cultural competence skills and experts. It has a Directory of Resources in Cultural Diversity and Cultural Competence (AAUAP Technical Assistance Task Force and Multicultural Committee).
International Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services
IAPSRS is a nonprofit organization committed to promoting, supporting and strengthening community-based psychosocial rehabilitation services and resources. It also publishes a journal, newsletters, and a resource catalogue.
Internet Mental Health
Mental Health Recovery
Mary Ellen Copeland has developed a number of publications and programs for helping people in the recovery process, including the Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP). Her web site offers a free newsletter and articles, as well as a list of publications and workshops that can be purchased.
Mental Health Resources – About: The Human Internet
Mental Illness Education Project, Inc.
The Mental Illness Education Project seeks to improve understanding of mental illness through the production of video-based programs for use by people with psychiatric conditions, their families, mental health practitioners, administrators, and educators, as well as the general public.
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI)
800-950-NAMI (helpline)
NAMI is a support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with mental illness. It provides educational information about severe brain disorders, supports increased funding for research and advocates for adequate health insurance, housing, rehabilitation and jobs for people with psychiatric disabilities. Each state has a chapter and many communities have their own chapters.
National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors’ Research Institute, Inc.
National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association (NDMDA)
NDMDA is a membership organization that provides direct support services to people with psychiatric symptoms and their families, legislation and public policy advocacy, litigation to prevent discrimination, public education, and technical assistance to local affiliates.
National Empowerment Center (NEC)
NEC is an award-winning provider of mental health information, programs, and materials, with a focus on recovery. It can refer you to a local support group or help you to set up a new group. Newsletter and audio-visual materials are also available.
National Guidelines Clearing House
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
NIMH is engaged in research for better understanding, more effective treatment and eventually prevention of mental disorders. Its website provides educational materials and an excellent list of free publications on psychiatric disorders, including a comprehensive listing of resources for help.
National Mental Health Association (NMHA)
The NMHA provides information and referral services for people in the process of recovery.
National Mental Health Awareness Campaign
National Mental Health Consumers’ Self-Help Clearinghouse
This organization provides information about psychiatric disorders, technical support for existing or newly starting self-help groups, and a free quarterly newsletter for consumers. They sponsor an annual conference. Spanish language services are available.
New Hampshire - Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center (PRC)
The PRC conducts research on behavioral health services, within the public sector, in order to discover and disseminate generalizable knowledge that can be used to improve the lives of people with serious mental illnesses.
Office of the Surgeon General
Ohio Medication Algorithm Project: Optimizing Recovery Through Best Practices
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal
The Psychiatric Rehabilitiation Journal provides information relevant to the rehabilitation of people with severe psychiatric disability. Go to their website to download full-text feature articles, read abstracts from the current and past issues, subscribe online and more.
Psychopharmacology Algorithm Project at the Harvard Medical School Department of Psychiatry
The Schizophrenia Patient Outcomes Research Team (PORT) Treatment Recommendations
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Team Solutions
Texas Medication Algorithm Project/Texas Implementation of Medication Algorithms (TMAP/TIMA)
TMAP began in 1996 as collaborative research effort in the state of Texas to develop, implement, and evaluate medication algorithm-driven treatment. The medication management in TMAP consists of evidence-based, consensually agreed upon medication treatment algorithms, clinical and technical support to implement, patient and family education programs, and documentation of patient care and outcomes. TIMA is the ongoing statewide implementation phase of TMAP occurring in the Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation facilities.